
The Province of Zambézia is located in the central region of the country, bounded to the north by the provinces of Nampula and Niassa, to the east by the Indian Ocean with an extension of about 400km of coast, south by the province of Sofala and to the west by Malawi. It has a surface of 105,008 km². The provincial capital is Quelimane.

Geographic location

The Zambézia Province is located in the Central region of Mozambique between parallels 14º and 59' and 18º 54' 40" South latitude and between meridians 35º 17' 53" and 39º East longitude. It is limited to the north by the provinces of Nampula and Niassa, to the south Sofala, to the east by the Indian Ocean, to the west by the province of Tete and borders the Republic of Malawi, across the river Shire. It has an area of ​​103,478 km2 and a total of 3,849,455 inhabitants, according to the 2007 Census.

SURFACE: 103,478KM2

BOUNDARY: Nampula and Niassa provinces to the north; Provinces of Tete and Sofala to the south, the Republic of Malawi to the west and the Indian Ocean to the east.

POPULATION DENSITY: 30 inhabitants/km2

PREDOMINANT ETHNICITY: Chuabo, Macua and Lomue

MAIN PRODUCTS: Copra, Tea, Shrimp, Wood, Semi-precious and Precious Stones

CAPITAL: Quelimane


The City Maps

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