cuisinefood with thought


Sensibly led by our Group Executive Chef Carl Moller, for over a decade, our kitchens are constructed on his signature approach of responsible sourcing and fresh, fresh, fresh. Every meal needs to be a delight and respectful of our guests wanting to feel light and healthy and ready for the next culinary adventure in a few hour’s time.

Ethical eating and sustainable sourcing on the menu is his pride.

With his focus on sustainability, Carl’s food philosophy is closely aligned with the Isibindi brand. In our lodges’ remote and ecologically-significant locations, it is vital for social, economic and environmental factors to work symbiotically and interdependently. Carl believes that incorporating these principles into his food and choice of suppliers enhances sustainability from the ground up.

Carl sources many of his ingredients from ethical suppliers – like GMO-free stone-ground flour from the Drakensberg foothills, locally grown chillies, used for the red and green ‘peli-peli – a must with your lunch time roll, and locally sourced eggs, peanuts and madumbies from the community.

Along with his modern fusions and traditional favourites, guests can look forward to a few hyper-local dishes like samp and peanuts, mussels in a traditional peanut sauce, lamb rump with imfino (green tops of pumpkin plants) and olives and roasted carrot risotto, Chakalaka shakshuka breakfast (a zulu fusion dish)

Food of the future comes to life today

Carl’s approach to food is in line with what he believes to be the future of food – going back to ‘how things were’ before the modern era, with real, unadulterated ingredients and by eliminating damaging food production methods. We pride ourselves in offering fresh, healthy and satisfying cuisine.