Before booking a stay or an Experience, we may ask for a government ID or that you verify your identity. We will need to know some basic information—which we don't share with Hosts or anybody else. We also encourage profile photos, and some Hosts may require them, but profile photo's aren't displayed until after a booking is confirmed.

We need your:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Confirmed phone number
  • Payment information


Your Host may ask for: 

  • Brief introductory message 
  • Agreement to house rules


Your privacy is important to us

Hosts never see your payment information or your email address, even after you book. We'll email you whenever a message is sent to your Inbox.



We'd love to hear from you

Send us a message and we'll respond as soon as possible

We'd love to hear from you

Africa Booking

Tell: + 263 77 762 2205 


Av. Ho Chi Minh 241

Maputo -  Mozambique


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