Day trips to Victoria Falls

victoria falls 

day trips to the smoke that thunders

“Scenes so lovely they must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight"  - David Livingstone

The town of Victoria Falls has been a focal point of tourism to Zimbabwe for several decades and understandably so, as it sits on the edge of one of the seven natural wonders of the world. No visit to the area is complete without viewing the largest curtain of falling water on the planet. There are innumerable other attractions in and around the town catering for all appetites.

Day trips to Victoria Falls are outsourced to a private company. Guests are collected from our private entrance to the Zambezi National Park and transferred to the nearby town of Victoria Falls where they have the opportunity to view the spectacular falls either on foot, by helicopter or microlight. Guests have the option to take high tea at the grand Victoria Falls Hotel, visit the local curio shops and craft markets or.enjoy more adventurous activities such as whitewater rafting, bungee jumping or the gorge swing over the Zambezi River in the Batoka Gorge. An adventurous and fun filled day is guaranteed.


British explorer David Livingstone came upon the falls in the 1860s. Strategically, he named them after the reigning monarch of Zambia and Zimbabwe at the time, the inimitable Queen Victoria. Remarkably preserved in its natural state, Victoria Falls inspires visitors as much today as it did Livingstone in those days gone by. Protecting them in their pristine original state, as Livingstone himself would have found them, the Victoria Falls and the surrounding area have been declared National Parks and a World Heritage Site. Efforts are made to keep excessive commercialization away from the face of the Victoria Falls, which is surrounded by a lush rain forest. The Victoria Falls, which features high up on most people’s travel bucket-list, is heralded as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Situated in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Falls may be viewed from both countries. The Victoria Falls are best viewed in the dawn golden light or orange sunset as the mist catches the light and creates rainbows of colour. The contrast of towering columns of water, the thrust of the spray and the deep gorges, some with surprisingly calm pools, is a memory you will always treasure.

The Victoria Falls spans 1 708 metres in width, making it the largest curtain of water in the world. It drops between 90m and 107m into the Zambezi Gorge and an average of 550,000 cubic metres of water plummet over the edge every minute when the river is in peak flow. When its height and width are combined, this is what makes it the biggest waterfall or the largest single sheet of flowing water on earth.




It doesn't get better than this.

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