Host Cancellation Policy

While cancellations by Hosts are rare, and some cancellations are beyond a Host’s control, certain cancellations by Hosts can disrupt guest plans and undermine confidence in our community. For that reason, under certain circumstances, if the Host cancels a confirmed stay reservation, or if the Host is found to be responsible for a cancellation under this Policy, Africabooking may impose fees and other consequences. The fees and other consequences set out in this Policy are intended to reflect the costs and other impacts of these cancellations on guests, the broader Host community and Africabooking. We will waive the fees and, in some cases, the other consequences, if the Host cancels because of Extenuating Circumstances or certain valid reasons beyond the Host’s control.

Cancellation fees

We will impose fees subject to a minimum cancellation fee of $12 USD and a maximum cancellation fee of $800 USD. The fee is based on the reservation amount and when the reservation is canceled:

If the reservation is canceled 48 hours or less before check-in, or after check-in, the fee is 50% of the reservation amount for the nights not stayed

If the reservation is canceled more than 48 hours, and 30 days or less, before check-in, the fee is 25% of the reservation amount

If the reservation is canceled more than 30 days before check-in, the fee is 10% of the reservation amount

When calculating cancellation fees, the reservation amount includes the base rate, cleaning fee, and any pet fees, but excludes taxes and guest fees. If the calculated cancellation fee is less than $12 USD, it will be adjusted up to $12 USD, and if the calculated fee is more than $800 USD, it will be adjusted down to $800 USD.

Cancellation fees are typically withheld from the next payout(s) to the Host as provided in the Payments Terms of Service. In addition to the fees and consequences set out in this Policy, Hosts who cancel, or are found responsible for a cancellation, will not receive a payout for that reservation, or, if the payout has already been made, the future payouts will be reduced accordingly.

Situations in which fees may not apply

We will waive the fees set out in this Policy in appropriate situations, for example if the Host cancels because of Extenuating Circumstances or certain valid reasons beyond the Host’s control.

In the event a fee is waived, other consequences may still apply, like blocking a Listing’s calendar.

Hosts who believe one of these situations applies will be required to provide documentation or other support. We will determine whether to waive any fees and other consequences after evaluating the evidence.

Other consequences

In addition to a cancellation fee, other consequences may apply, such as preventing the Host from accepting another reservation for the Listing on the affected dates by blocking the Listing’s calendar. A calendar block prevents the Host from accepting another reservation for the Listing on the affected dates.

Hosts who repeatedly cancel confirmed bookings without a valid reason may experience other consequences, as explained in our Terms of Service. For example, Hosts may have their Listing or account suspended or removed, and may lose their Superhost status.

When a Host is found responsible for a cancellation

Where this Policy mentions a Host being found responsible for a cancellation, it refers to situations where conditions are grossly and materially different from how the Listing was described at the time of booking. Examples may include: double-booking a Listing, substituting another property for the Listing booked by the guest, or gross Listing inaccuracies that materially disrupt a guest stay, like advertising a pool when no pool is available for use by guests.

Other things to consider

A Host must promptly cancel a reservation that the Host cannot honor and may not encourage the guest to cancel the reservation.

Providing false statements or materials in connection with this Policy violates our Terms of Service and may result in account termination and other consequences.

This Policy applies to cancellations that occur on or after the effective date. Any right that guests or Hosts may have to initiate legal action remains unaffected. Any changes to this Policy will be made in accordance with our Terms of Service. This Policy applies to stays, but does not apply to Luxe or Experiences reservations.

Host penalties for canceling reservations

Effective through: August 21, 2022 

Cancellations mess with guests' plans and can reduce confidence in our community, so as a Host you should do your best to fulfill all confirmed reservations. If something has come up and you simply can’t fulfill a reservation for any reason, it’s your responsibility (and not your guest's) to cancel as quickly as possible to allow your guest time to make new plans.

There are certain limited circumstances where there are no adverse consequences to canceling.

Cancellation fee

If you cancel a confirmed reservation, a fee will be deducted from your first payout after the cancellation. The amount depends on when you accepted the reservation and how soon before check-in you canceled it:

More than 7 days before check-in, $8 will be deducted from your next payout

Less than 7 days before check-in, $16 will be deducted from your next payout

Unavailable/blocked calendar

If you cancel a confirmed reservation, your calendar may be blocked. This means you won't be able to accept another reservation that overlaps with the canceled one. Please note: Africabooking can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

Public review

If you cancel before the day of check-in, an automated review will be posted to your listing's profile indicating that you canceled one of your reservations. These reviews can't be removed, but you may be able to write a public response to clarify why you needed to cancel.

If you cancel on the day of check-in or later, guests can choose to leave a public review on your listing’s profile.

Account suspension and deactivation

If you cancel 3 or more reservations within a year, we may suspend or deactivate your listing.

Superhost status

Don’t chance losing your Superhost status. You must continue to meet the Superhost requirements during each assessment period, including a less than 1% cancellation rate.

Related articles

Why did I get a review that says I canceled?

If a reservation is canceled, an automated review will be posted to your profile.

How a Host cancels a booking

You can cancel a reservation as a Host, but if the check-in time is within 24 hours, the option to cancel online may not be available.

Find the cancellation policy for your stay

The amount of any refund depends on the Host’s cancellation policy and the time and date you cancel.


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