Mozambique Climate

Tourist season

Mozambique doesn't have a set tourism season per se, rather it has times of the year when it is better to visit due to the weather. With a subtropical climate, the country does experience a fair amount of hot days and as such this is an attraction to many visitors. If however you are someone who is going to struggle in hot, humid weather then it may be better to look at visiting in the cooler months.

You will notice that prices are generally higher at certain times of the year and this usually coincides with the busier times for tourism providers.

The weather in Mozambique is celebrated for it's warm, tropical climate. The temperature averages around 28°C whilst the weather adjacent to the coast line is sunny and warm even in the middle of winter. As in any area the most rainfall occurs during summer, which in Mozambique is from October to April. This time of the year is known to be humid and hot along with the expected rainfall.

From April to September you will experience the cold, dry winter that Mozambique has to offer. This is believed to be the better period for travel and the prime time to travel to Mozambique. There are howewer regional variations when dealing with the rainfall patterns. The inland areas Nampula and Niassa are cooler but more humid in comparison to the to the country's coast line. This is due to the relief that the evenings cooler temperatures grant the inland areas.

In the North of Mozambique, there is an abundance of water due to the fact that there is a copious amount of rainfall in this area compared to the South of Mozambique where the rainfall is minimal and there are prolonged seasons of droughts.
The North - eastern coast of Mozambique is believed to be the hottest and most humid found in the country. Conditions could become uncomfortable and even intolerable, overseas visitors not accustomed to the uncommon weather Mozambique has to offer would do well to pass through to the inland where the weather is cooler.

In the South parts of the country the rainfall is peaking during the months of October through to March while in the Northern parts there is a six week extention either way. Annual rainfall along the coastal line averages between 800 to 900mm. In the rainy season the likelihood of floods are at its peak, widespread flooding around river basins like the Zambezi are not uncommon.There is also a great risk of cyclones along the coastal areas of central Mozambique.

Mozambique's Climate 

The Sun heralds the arrival of a magestic summer as the clouds give way to the glorious rays signaling superb conditions for the entire country, as May brings forth the end of the rain. The weather in Mozambique is at it's best during the winter months and believed to be the most pleasant. The skies are crystal clear with not a cloud in sight and rainfall is something of the past. April to September are known as the dry season as the humidity drops considerably.

Southern Mozambique: Southern Mozambique's Rainy season (summer) is from October to March and the Dry Season is from April to September (winter). During the Summer, rainfall averages between 800mm to 900m and flooding is not uncommon. More pleasant weather is usually experienced during the Winter / dry seasons where the humidity is lower and temperatures aren't too hot.

Central Mozambique: Central Mozambique's Rainy season (summer) is from October to March and the Dry Season is from April to September (winter). widespread flooding around river basins like the Zambezi are not uncommon.There is also a greater risk of cyclones along the coastal areas of central Mozambique. More pleasant weather is usually experienced during the Winter / dry seasons where The inland areas Nampula and Niassa are cooler but more humid in comparison to the to the country's coast line. This is due to the relief that the evenings cooler temperatures grant the inland areas.

Northern Mozambique: Pemba is located in the Northern part of Mozambique that experiences a very tropical climate. Northern Mozambique's Rainy season (summer) is longer than the Southern Part of Mozambique's Rainy season from September to April, and the Dry Season is from May to August (winter). Beacause Northern Mozambique is closer to the Equator,weather in the Northern Part of Mozambique is very much Humid through out the year

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