Ponant Important information

Boarding conditions and passenger travel abilities

We invite you to read our boarding conditions and passenger travel abilities by clicking here. 

Any new reservation implies the acceptance of these conditions.

The information below is current but subject to change at any time without advance notice from government authorities. Please consult your respective government agencies for visa and health information.

Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the completion of your trip. Passport must contain at least two completely clear, blank, unused visa pages for each visa required, not including any amendment pages. Visa pages with stains or ink from other pages in the passport are not usable. Guests who deviate from the scheduled embarkation or disembarkation port should research the foreign entry requirements for the port country. Due to government regulations, regrettably, Ponant will have to deny boarding to any guest who fails to obtain the appropriate travel documentation for this trip.

Yellow Fever vaccination is strongly recommended.

Warning about the use of drones: the use of drones aboard PONANT ships, whether they are sailing at sea, at a port of call or anchored, is strictly forbidden. The use of drones on land in the Arctic and Antarctic regions is also strictly forbidden by international polar regulations. In other regions, it may be possible to use drones on land if permission has been obtained from the relevant authorities of each country and each region travelled through, as well as a pilot’s licence that should be obtained from your home country. Passengers are responsible for obtaining these permits; they should be able to present them at all times. Passengers who do not obtain these authorisations expose themselves to the risk of legal proceedings.

Madagascar: visa delivered and charged onboard (20 € subject to change), valid for 14 days.

Immunization against diphtheria-tetanus-polio is essential. Anti-malaria treatment is highly recommended. It is recommended that you contact your health professional for any specific medical advise relating to travel through these regions.

Tanzania: visa delivered and charged onboard (50€ subject to change), valid for 90 days. The visa fee for US citizens is 100€.

The yellow fever vaccination is recommanded.

Vaccination is only compulsory for passengers coming from a country where yellow fever is present. In that case, please bring along the original certificate. A copy of your certificate must be sent to PONANT at least 45 days prior to your cruise.

It is recommended that you contact your health professional for any specific medical advise relating to travel through these regions.

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