Searching for properties, events and spaces

Cottages, cabins, hotels, resorts, SUVs, sedans or condos—oh my! You can easily narrow your search using travel dates and filters to find an available listing with the amenities you want. Read the listings for more detail and pinpoint them on the map to check if they’d be a good fit for your trip.

How to search

  1. Enter your destination, travel dates, and number of guests, then click or tap Search.
  2. Filters can help narrow options (ex: price range, tour type, travel style, hotel star rating, review score, facilities available on a space or property, vehicle type, event type etc). Available filters appear on the left side once you select the service type you`re seeking to book.
  3. Scroll through the listings or use the map to find listings in a specific location.
  4. Click or tap a listing to open it. Read the description, check the available amenities, review the house/ tour rules, and read reviews that other guests have left for the Host.

You can also search using filters like specific amenities/ facilities, event or tour type, vehicle type, landmarks, and more. Got a question about a place you have in mind? Message the Host


Tip: Use wishlists to save places for later, or to share with your friends.


Using the map

The map is a quick way to review the listings in relation to areas of interest. You can zoom in or move around the map to find additional listings that don’t appear at first.


Keep in mind that many places to stay are unique, and different attributes may affect the nightly rate.

Is the listing flagged as a “Featured” by Africabooking? This means that it’s a lower price compared to other similar services for the dates you chose that are similar in location, ratings, and amenities.


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We'd love to hear from you

Africa Booking

Tell: + 263 77 762 2205 


Av. Ho Chi Minh 241

Maputo -  Mozambique


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