Road Rules & Road Travel Tips:

  • Valid drivers licenses from South Africa, neighbouring countries and internationally are accepted in Mozambique and must accompany the driver at all times when travelling on the road.

  • If your drivers license is not written in English, then you must provide a certified written translation for officials.

  • By law, you must adhere to speed limits in Mozambique. National speed limits are 120 km/h on main roads outside of town and 60 km/h on a public road within an urban area, town or village. Police are known to setup speed-traps at the beginning of a 80 / 60 km/h sign - so make sure you reduce your speed before you pass the sign.

  • Reduce your speed to a maximum of 60km/h if you see a school signUnless you have a hands-free system, you are stricktly prohibited from using your cell phone for any reason whilst driving.

  • You are required to wear seat belts at all times when travelling on the road.

  • Do not take photos of policemen - this is against the lawDo not drive off the beaten track or on a beach unless the area is a designated driving zone.

  • No drinking and driving.

  • In Mozambique, all vehicles lawfully drive on the left hand side of the road.

  • Keep all your important travel documents in a plastic sleeve, file or case to protect the documents from natural elements and / or potential spillages. Keep those documents in a safe place in the vehicle and it's recommended that you make extra copies for each document.

  • Always respect and comply with safety rules inforced by game parks and other reserves.

  • For your own safety and for the safety of wildlife, please keep vigilant whilst you drive and watch out for domestic animals and wildlife crossing roads and trails. The same applies if you happen to be driving at night which we recommend you avoid doing.

  • Please adhere to the speed limits national parks and game reserves inforce which is that of 40km/h.

  • Smokers must not throw or dispose their cigarette butts out of the vehicle and into the wilderness! This is littering and can cause fires! Extinguish and dispose your cigarette butts into a "Butt Bucket", empty soda can or a rubbish bag.

Flying to Mozambique:

Although there are many national airports within Mozambique - there are 7 International airports, each in Maputo, Beira, Inhambane, Vilanculos, Nampula, Pemba & Tete:

Maputo International Airport (Mavalane International Airport)
Country (from / to):



Beira, Chimoio, Nacala, Nampula, Pemba, Quelimane and Tete

Tanzania Dar es Salaam
South Africa Johannesburg


Kenya Nairobi
Qatar  Doha
Angola Luanda
Turkey Istanbul

Beira Airport
Country (to/ from):


Mozambique  Chimoio, Maputo, Nampula, Pemba, Tete
South Africa  Johannesburg
Zimbabwe Harare
Malawi Blantyre, Lilongwe
Ethiopia Addis Ababa 

Inhambane Airport
Country (from / to):
Mozambique  Maputo, Nampula, Vilanculos
South Africa  Johannesburg 

Vilanculo/ Vilankulos Airport
Country (from/ to):
South Africa Johannesburg 
Mozambique  Maputo, Inhambane

Nampula Airport 
Country (from / to):
South Africa  Johannesburg 
Malawi Blantyre, Lilongwe
Mozambique  Maputo, Beira, Lichinga, Tete
Nairobi Kenya

Pemba Airport 
Country (from/ to):
Mozambique  Maputo/ Beira 
South Africa  Johannesburg 
Tanzania  Dar es Salaam 
Kenya  Nairobi 
Mayotte  Dzaoudzi

Chingozi Airport (Matundo Airport)
Country (from / to):
South Africa  Johannesburg 
Malawi  Blantyre/ Lilongwe 
Zimbabwe  Harare 

More safety tips:

Although Mozambique does not pose a high crime rate, safety is still important when travelling and staying in a foreign country. Below are few safety tips to keep in mind:

✔When travelling and staying over in Mozambique, remember to lock all your car doors when you leave your vehicle.

✔Keep all valubles in a safe place when you leave the premises you are staying at.

✔When sightseeing and touring, make sure to keep the valubles you are carrying close by.

✔Avoid travelling long distances on the road at night.

✔Do not drink and drive.

✔Drugs are illegal and do not be tempted by offers what so ever.

✔Do not break the law - always stick to the rules and obey all road signs.

✔Beware of con artists and do not accept bribes.

✔Respect the locals, their community and do not litter

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Travel Pro-tip

If you plan on hiking on foot at any point during your stay in Mozambique, then be sure to check your legs regularly for ticks because they are known to cling to the ends of leaves whilst waiting patiently for a host to pass by and to latch onto.

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