Strong profiles include:
  • Multiple verifications
  • At least 50 words about your hobbies and interests, why you joined, or anything else you think others would like to know
  • At least one recent profile photo that shows your face so Hosts can recognize you when you arrive


Profile photos

All Hosts are required to have a profile photo, and some Hosts require the same of their guests.

Guest profile photos aren’t displayed until after a booking is confirmed and can be removed at any time.



We'd love to hear from you

Send us a message and we'll respond as soon as possible

We'd love to hear from you

Africa Booking

Tell: + 263 77 762 2205 


Av. Ho Chi Minh 241

Maputo -  Mozambique


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Chat with: {{currentConversation.display_name}}
{{chat.display_name ? chat.display_name[0] : ''}}


You: {{chat.last_message.content}}

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