Wildlife in the Zambezi


in the Zambezi National Park 

Here we are all one, all connected. Everything we do causes a tug in another direction. We are deeply mindful of the river and its role in the natural system. Our guides will lead you on a journey through this special park that is home to thriving populations of lion, buffalo and elephant. Safaris can be in guided game viewers, on foot or in canoes.

Island walks

An island within a sanctuary 

Covering an area of 56 000 ha this game reserve starts at the world renowned Victoria Falls National Park and runs along the Zambezi River and inland. Game drives are offered through this scenically beautiful national park. Start your day by gliding across the Zambezi River to the mainland where your safari vehicle will be waiting to take you on an early morning game drive in the Zambezi National Park – which is home to large herds of elephant and buffalo and a large resident pride of lion, large groups of hyena, giraffe and numerous antelope species and resident leopards. The game drives are approximately 4 hours long and include a coffee or sundowner stop..

Wildlife on Tsowa Island 

Birdlife on the island is abundant, including some very special sightings such as the Schalow’s turaco, African finfoot and a pair of breeding Pel’s fishing owls. Elephant and hippo are regular visitors to the island. The cry of the African fish eagle will remind you that you are in the wild heart of Africa.


Birdlife in the area

The Zambezi National Park is very rewarding for bird lovers, with more than 400 recorded species including the African skimmer, the half-collared kingfisher and the collared palm-thrush. Rock pratincoles are often seen on the rocks in front of the lodge during the breeding season.




It doesn't get better than this.

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