About the Villas

The 10 Luxury Villas at Coral Lodge are embraced by the gorgeous, unspoiled nature reserve in which they reside, along with a coastline with pristine beaches and the crystal-clear waters of the warm Indian Ocean.

The villas are artfully designed to combine an elegant mix of wood and textiles, ensuring that the lodge is tucked in harmoniously within its surroundings while showcasing the vivid colours of the area.

Coral Lodge has two options of Villas to choose from; five lagoon-facing villas and five beach-facing villas. The only difference between the two villa categories is their location. The Villa sizes and interiors are identical, if not very similar. One lagoon villa and one beach villa have been converted into family villa’s, featuring an additional bedroom.

Lagoon-facing Villas offer the perfect location to enjoy sundowners and watch the sunset over Coral Lodge, from your private deck. While the Beach Villas offer the ideal spot to wake up in the morning, make a coffee, and watch the sunrise over another beautiful day in Mozambique.

Every villa offers guest’s 100sqm of elegance, privacy and beautiful views.

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