Lion’s Den – situated between Giant’s Castle and Sherwood Forest 3.5 km directly offshore – is Peri-Peri Divers’ newest dive site. It’s ideal for experienced divers on big packages who want something a little out of the ordinary. This isn’t a reef we incorporate on a daily scheduling basis but can be visited if requested, if the visibility, current and conditions allow.

The reef is cut into a rocky plateau with a series of small pinnacles on the inside ledges. Groups of lionfish prowl the area looking for an easy feed and manta rays can be seen at the small cleaning station west of the drop. As with all dive sites here, you never know what may surprise you so stay alert!

In summary, this dive paradise is a gentle flat reef with lots of Plate Coral, small tropical fish and of course Lion Fish. Good site for learning and reacquainting yourself with diving.

Lion’s Den has been given a “MILD” Peri-Peri rating and is recommended for experienced divers wanting to try something a little different.

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