This site definitely gives a new meaning to the phrase “just another day at the office”! Like Amazon, the reef is situated 17 km offshore from the Barra lighthouse and the two reefs are the perfect pairing for a double tank dive as they lie just 4 km apart. In the winter season, the countless breaching of migrating humpback whales make your surface interval one you’ll never forget.

Your dive begins with a drop into the amphitheatre at 24m where you’ll be welcomed by a potato grouper sheltering amongst the goldies in a rocky crevice. Slightly northwest of your drop is the first cleaning station where manta rays are often seen cleaning peacefully.

As you make your way south, towards the foot of the hill, keep your eyes open for the pair of huge honeycomb morays that are often seen here being tended to by cleaner shrimps. As you begin your slight ascent up the hill, you’ll start to see a series of shallower gullies. Take time to peer into the gloom as there may be sleeping white tip sharks sheltering in the dark. The swim-through – where thousands of glass fish surround you – is a must for all photographers. Be careful, though, as under each ledge, left and right, loggerhead turtles or sharks may be found.

The Office is a truly amazing reef which, like Amazon, is seldom seen as conditions need to be perfect. When they are, it creates a reef of spectacular colour and diversity. This site is Peri-Peri Rated “MILD / HOT” as the current can be a little unpredictable and, as such, is only recommended for divers with experience in current.

Amazing accommodation deals
Over the past 15 years Peri-Peri Divers has cemented, symbiotic relationships with the finest of accommodation options Mozambique has to offer. Diving and Accommodation each play a huge part in the success of any tailored Stay & Dive package and we are very proud to be partnered with such fantastic places.
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