
The transfer by mini-van winds through the pretty countryside along a good tarmac road over the bridge to Ilha de Mozambique where guests board the Coral Lodge traditional sailing dhow. The transfer time depends on the tide and takes approx. 20-30 minutes at high tide and up to 45 minutes at low tide. At high tide, the dhow drops guests off at the lagoon entrance, next to the lodge. At low tide the dhow anchors in shallow, warm water 50-100m from the lodge, which means guests wade to the beach. Our team will take the luggage! Total transfer time is approx. 3.5 hours depending on the tide. Guests arriving on the Airlink flight from O.R. Tambo airport (Johannesburg), land at approximately 13h30. If there are no issues with visas or customs, guests should be on Ilha de Moçambique before 16h30. For return transfers, the reverse happens and guests generally leave the lodge by 08h00/08h30 depending on the tide, to arrive at the airport in Nampula by 11h30 that is 2.5 hours before the 14h00 Airlink departure.

Nampula to Coral Lodge round trip transfer fee: USD 400,00 per mini-van with a/c with a capacity of up to 6 persons (adults or children) including motorboat or dhow sailing boat transfer from Isle de Mozambique.


By road directly

Fly to the city of Nacala (150km from Coral Lodge) from where guests can be transferred by mini-van for a 2.5-hour drive to the lodge.

By road and dhow from the Isle de Mozambique

The transfer by mini-van winds through the pretty countryside along a good tarmac road to Ilha de Mozambique where guests board the Coral Lodge traditional sailing dhow. The transfer time depends on the tide and takes approx. 20-30 minutes at high tide and up to 45 minutes at low tide. At high tide, the dhow drops the guests off at the lagoon entrance, next to the lodge. At low tide the dhow anchors in shallow, warm water 50-100m from the lodge, which means guests wade to the beach. Our team will take the luggage!

Total transfer time is approx. 3.5hours depending on the tide.

Nacala to Coral Lodge round-trip transfer fee: USD 300,00 per mini-van with a/c with a capacity of up to 6 persons (adults or children) including motorboat or dhow sailing boat transfer from Isle de Isle de Mozambique.


The flight time from Nampula to Lumbo is approx. 30 minutes by light aircraft. There is a 15-20 minute road transfer from Lumbo airstrip to the dhow departure point on Ilha de Mozambique. From Ilha de Mozambique transfer is by motorboat or dhow, which takes approx. 20-30 minutes during high tide and up

to 45 minutes at low tide. Alternatively, guests can take a 1.5h hour drive by mini-van to the Lodge.

Lumbo to Coral Lodge round-trip transfer fee: USD 200,00 per mini-van with a/c with a capacity of up to 6 persons (adults or children), including motorboat or dhow sailing boat transfer from Isle de Mozambique.


Guests board on Ilha de Mozambique departure point to the Coral Lodge traditional sailing dhow. The transfer time depends on the tide and takes approx. 20-30 minutes at high tide and up to 45 minutes at low tide. At high tide the dhow drops the guests off at the lagoon entrance, next to the lodge. At low tide the dhow anchors in shallow, warm water 50-100m from the lodge, which means guests wade to the beach. Our team will take the luggage!

Ilha de Mozambique to Coral Lodge or Coral Lodge to Ilha de Mozambique transfer fee: USD 80,00 (one way) or USD 150,00 (round-trip), with the capacity of up to 6 persons (adults or children).



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