Edit your account settings

Need to make a change or two? You can edit your account settings, as well as some information on your public profile, from your Account section.

How it works

Just click or tap your profile picture and go to Account, you’ll find:

  • Personal info: Provide personal details and how we can reach you
  • Login and security: Update your password and secure your account
  • Payments and payouts: Review payments, payouts, coupons, gift cards, and taxes
  • Notifications: Choose notification preferences and how you want to be contacted
  • Privacy and sharing: Control connected apps, what you share, and who sees it
  • Global preferences: Set your default language, currency, and time zone
  • Travel for work: Add a work email for business trip benefits
  • Professional hosting tools: Perfect if you manage several properties
  • Invite friends: It’s more fun when everyone travels.


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Changing your email address
You can change or add an email address in your profile.

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Deactivating or deleting your account
You can temporarily deactivate your account and reactivate it later, or you can permanently delete it.

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Africa Booking

Tell: + 263 77 762 2205 

Email: info@africabooking.co.za 

Av. Ho Chi Minh 241

Maputo -  Mozambique


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